“A Mere Trifle”


Sorry for the punny title, I just couldn’t resist…

A typical trifle consists of layers of sponge cake, jam, custard, fruit and whipped cream. It can be whatever you want it to be really, but here I’ve got my personal go-to trifle recipe:

• Sponge cake (usually store-bought) cut into 4cm-cubes
• Jam mixed with sherry (rum or brandy would also work), poured over the sponge cake.
• Canned peaches, drained and cut into pieces.
• Custard (home-made is best but you can also use store-bought).
• Sliced bananas.
• Cream with a dash of vanilla essence and brown sugar, whipped.
• Grated chocolate and sliced almonds sprinkled over to finish.

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